Much like the Tropics sponsor (@trifectom), Gene Kolarik has had to be a baseball triple-threat of sorts this summer in the roles he's played. Pitching coach, Head coach, PBR scout...he does it all.🌴
— College Summer League at Grand Park (@CSL_GrandPark) July 27, 2022
by @TrevKennedy18, CSL Data Analytics Director
In life and on the ball field, Landon Godsey lets his bat do the talking...and to some degree, his bat was absolutely shouting at the top of its proverbial lungs this summer in the CSL. 🗣️🗣️🗣️
— College Summer League at Grand Park (@CSL_GrandPark) August 2, 2022
by @jacynabbott, Turf Monsters SID
College Summer League
The College Summer League is a true meeting of the minds, comprised of three baseball powerhouses in the state of Indiana. The combination of Pro X, Bullpen Tournaments and Prep Baseball Report gives the CSL and our players a unique advantage that no other collegiate
summer league can offer. We are able to attract the best talent in college baseball from across
the nation to play at one central location, Grand Park.
6/13/22 Snapping Turtles vs Moon Shots
Snapping Turtles Return to the Win Column with...
6/13/22 Bomb Squad vs. Tropics
The Bomb Squad (3-2) has now won three straight...
6/13/22 Local Legends vs. Park Rangers
Local Legends Down the Park RangersIt didn’t...
6/12/22 Turf Monsters vs Snapping Turtles
Turf Monsters snatch a win from the Turtles The...
6/12/22 Bomb Squad vs. Park Rangers
After dropping the first two games of the...
6/12/22 Tropics vs. Moonshots
The Trifectom Tropics are on a roll after...